Keeping track of yarn samples doesn’t have to be complicated! I’ve found a simple, effective way that works perfectly for me: I create a “yarn sample box.” For each yarn, I attach a small sample to the original label, so I'll always have the key details—brand, color, fiber content, weight etc. on hand. This system lets me quickly flip through my collection, find matching yarns, and remember exactly what I used in past projects. It’s an easy, organized way to keep all my yarn info at my fingertips!

Bomuldskys © copyright. This pattern is for private use only. The pattern may not be copied, shared or resold. Commercial sales of products made from the pattern is prohibited.
It's important to keep track of yarn details so you can easily recreate projects or find the right yarn for future ideas. Knowing the color and thickness ensures you always achieve consistent results in your creations.
When I buy new yarn, I crochet a small circle and attach it to the yarn's label. This way, I can keep track of the color, brand, thickness, and other details. It's an easy way to organize my yarn stash!
Det er vigtigt at holde styr på garnets detaljer, så du nemt kan genskabe projekter eller finde den rette garnkvalitet til fremtidige idéer. At have styr på farve og tykkelse sikrer også, at du altid får et ensartet resultat i dine projekter.
Når jeg køber nyt garn, hækler jeg en lille cirkel og sætter den sammen med garnets banderole. På den måde holder jeg styr på farve, mærke, tykkelse og andre detaljer. Det er en nem måde at organisere mit garnlager på!